Benefits of Becoming a FOCCUS Facilitator
As a trained FOCCUS Facilitator you will have access to a proven and effective marriage preparation inventory with a user-friendly couple report. The FOCCUS Pre-Marriage Inventory Couple Report helps a facilitator target each couple’s discussion to topics important to marital success. The report is used to help couples celebrate their relationship strengths and talk to each other about topics warranting further attention.
All of your couple inventories are available from any computer with internet access. You also have access to purchase materials only available to trained FOCCUS Facilitators: FOCCUS Facilitator Manuals, FOCCUS Inventory Booklets, FOCCUS Answer Sheets.
How to Become a FOCCUS Facilitator
A FOCCUS Facilitator completes training 4th edition. This training can either be done in-person or online. The training along with accompanying resources prepare facilitators to work with couples to help them have the necessary conversations prior to entering into marriage.
Here are the steps to becoming a FOCCUS Facilitator:
Determine Training Option
Follow Path for Your Selected Option
Option 1 - In-Person
- Check with your organization to see if they have any upcoming trainings planned, and/or
- Use the link to the left to “Find a Training Event to become a FOCCUS Facilitator,” and/or
- Contact a FOCCUS Trainer - use the link to the left to “Find a FOCCUS Trainer,” and/or
- Request to bring a training to your location – use link to the left to ask to “Bring FOCCUS Training to your Area”
Option 2 - Online Self-Paced Training available for purchase on website
- After completion of Online Training you can begin work immediately with couples
- You have relatively reliable internet access and speed
Note: you must be a licensed professional or associated with an approved FOCCUS organization in order to function as a FOCCUS Facilitator.
Additional Training – FOCCUS Facilitator Training also includes information about the REFOCCUS Marriage Enrichment Inventory, a set of seven marriage enrichment questionnaires developed for couples who have been married for more than two years.